Friday, December 3, 2010

It's gift giving time...

Good clients love giving their phone lovers gifts this time of year. The problem is receiving them. No PSO wants to give out their address.

In the past sites like Amazon had wish list that you could set up and a client could go to your list and order you something and it would ship to you without him ever finding out your real name or shipping address. However this is not 100% secure. Amazon even states that the person ordering the item will see the City and State portion of your address.

The only way to be 100% safe with your personal info is to have your client purchase you a Gift Card that can be emailed to you. Amazon has them, so does Walmart, Itunes and many other wonderful merchants. There is even a Universal Gift card that can be used at 100's of merchants on line or at their physical store.
I have put links to many of these sites that provide Gift Cards that can be emailed to you on a site called

You should post in your BLOGS, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc. that if guys want to send you a gift this year they should do so via an emailable gift card. Be sure to post a link to There are also some banners you are free to use at is not just for PSO's to use. Real, Virtual and Social Network friends can use the site as it doesn't reference the PSO industry at all. So share it with all whom might want to send you some happiness this holiday season.

Can't find the perfect gift for someone in your life.... check out the featured merchant link on

Happy Holidays

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