Wednesday, June 11, 2014

We are moving...

We are moving to a new host / server.  This will require you to register and set up a login account. Also you will need to "Subscribe by Email" so you will get the notice of new post.

I hope you decide to make the move with us.  We will be making the new site more active providing topic's of discussion to include, marketing, advertising, SEO, Opportunities and ideas to help you have a successful PSO business.

The new phonesex marketing site can be access at

See you there...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Are your characters on #twitter?

Are your characters on Twitter?  If not you should be and you should be tweeting daily.  Just like you should be posting in your blog daily.  Don’t know what to tweet? That is the easy part. Tweet what you posted in your blog. To make this super easy there are plugins / widgets for word press and Blogger blogs that will automatically tweet what you have posted in your blog and provide a link to your blog post.  Tweets can only be 140 characters so of course the whole blog post will not be tweeted so with that in mind you should make the first line in your blog post the “Headline” .  Just like newspapers use the “headline” to capture your interest you need to word your headline to do the same. 

Now there is a trick to using twitter and that trick is call the # or hastag.  The # is like telling the world what this twitter post is about.  You think wow I don’t have any twitter followers why should I even bother.  The # is why you should bother.  Say you tweet about Blowjobs and link it back to your blog post about blowjobs.  By  adding the # in front of the keyword blowjob  as in #blowjob, your tweet now is linked to the twitter data base so if someone is interested in blowjobs, they can do a twitter search and your post will be there right along with everyone else’s that use the #blowjob.   Still not impressed? You don’t think guys search twitter for blowjobs? Maybe not but the search engines do.  Google and Twitter just announce that twitter post will be index and archived by Google so you will start to see these twitter post showing up in Google searches.
What does all this mean for you..  More EXPOSURE..  the more you post in your BLOG and the more you tweet the more exposure you will get. The more exposure, the more traffic to your web site and with more traffic the more calls, the more calls the more $ you make.
You should make posting in your  blog and tweeting part of your daily marketing effortsd.   You should target at least once per day to post in your blog and tweet.  But more is better. 
Remember in your BLOG post and tweets,  make the first line your interest capturing headline and use the # in both your blog post and tweet.

For example:
#Blowjobs are a naughty way of …… read more at ( your blog url) #phonesex

BLOG Heading:
#Blowjobs are a naughty way of gaining power over your man. #phonesex blowjobs are one of my specialties.  (then  go on and write a few lines describing what a phonesex blowjob with you is like)  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Educating Yourself on Fetishes and call topics...

We all know that doing phone sex calls is not as easy as doing a naughty call with your spouse or boyfriend. Call topics can vary from the tame to the bizarre. The better you understand these topics the better you will be when you get a call for one. I have 5 BLOGS that I have an experienced PSO / writer post in them. You should subscribe to these BLOGS. ( it's FREE ). Having a better understanding of what your callers might want will enable you to be a better PSO.

I hope you find the above BLOGs interesting and enjoyable!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year

Today is “Leap Day” something that only happens once every 4 years. It’s these special days that you need to take advantage of their specialty. The number of search engine request for “Leap Day” “Leap Year” and February 29th will go through the roof the days before and after Feb. 29th. Making a post in your BLOG with a subject “Leap Day” or “Leap Year” will help you get traffic to you blog and site. Be creative in what you write. Even though your blog is about phonesex and is usually oriented around sex your “Leap Day” post can be more “G” or “PG” rated. Talk about anything. Talk about your plans for the day. Working, Shopping, Entertaining??? Maybe talk about something crazy you did last “Leap Year”. Make it up! Remember you are selling Fantasy! Do you have any “Leap Day” jokes or stories? Post them. If you have visited other sites or blogs that have something about “Leap Year”, talk about it and post the link. Posting links to other blogs or sites that you reference helps build your search engine ranking. Don’t be afraid to spice it up but when you are writing about a “Popular Subject” you don’t need to.

The key to any “Popular Subject” posting to your blog is to litter it with the popular subject tag. For example in this blog post that you are reading, its all about posting in your blog about “Leap Year”. Take a quick count and see how many times I have used the term “Leap Year” in this post. Now do you get it? See how easy it is done?

Just because your BLOG’s main goal is to get you callers for your phone sex service your blog post doesn’t always have to be that blunt. Traffic to your blog is key. Visitors to your site don’t always have to be looking for phone sex. In fact it’s those that aren’t looking for phonesex that are great targets. They stumble on to your blog. Like what you have to say. Become interested. “Oh wow I can talk to this person live… “ boom you have a new caller.

Always end your post with your name, that you are available for live private phone calls and provide your contact info (phone# web site URL, Email / IM )

Enjoy your extra day !

Friday, April 1, 2011

Make money 24/7 with recordings!

Recordings are another way for you to make some money and you should seriously consider doing recordings. Nite Flirt is one way to sell recordings but there is a new kid on the block and it is

They make it easy to set up and they do all the billing and delivery of the recordings. All you have to do is set up an account and make your recordings and upload them.

There are no listing fees. You have full control of the price for your recordings. The only fee is a $0.30 transaction fee and a 22.9% referral fee.

Your recordings are placed in categories that you specify. Recordings are available 24/7.

Unlike Nite Flirt these recordings are actual MP3 files that the buyer downloads and has access to listen to over and over again with out paying.

With that in mind you should ALWAYS end you recordings with a plug for your website, your live sessions and other recordings and if you do special request.

The other nice thing with your listings on is that you can direct them to your website. So if they like your recording they can check your site out for more of you.

Once you set up and account and have uploaded a recording you should put links on your web site, your blogs, your facebook and twitter about it. pays you via paypal. So you must have a paypal account. is not my web site or company and I don't do their billing. I have not heard anything negative about them. So I would love to hear back from any of you who are using them or after you get set up how it all works out for you.

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's gift giving time...

Good clients love giving their phone lovers gifts this time of year. The problem is receiving them. No PSO wants to give out their address.

In the past sites like Amazon had wish list that you could set up and a client could go to your list and order you something and it would ship to you without him ever finding out your real name or shipping address. However this is not 100% secure. Amazon even states that the person ordering the item will see the City and State portion of your address.

The only way to be 100% safe with your personal info is to have your client purchase you a Gift Card that can be emailed to you. Amazon has them, so does Walmart, Itunes and many other wonderful merchants. There is even a Universal Gift card that can be used at 100's of merchants on line or at their physical store.
I have put links to many of these sites that provide Gift Cards that can be emailed to you on a site called

You should post in your BLOGS, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc. that if guys want to send you a gift this year they should do so via an emailable gift card. Be sure to post a link to There are also some banners you are free to use at is not just for PSO's to use. Real, Virtual and Social Network friends can use the site as it doesn't reference the PSO industry at all. So share it with all whom might want to send you some happiness this holiday season.

Can't find the perfect gift for someone in your life.... check out the featured merchant link on

Happy Holidays

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Google is watching and logging every search we do ... so take advantage!

So you don't think Google is watching and logging in every search we do ..... think again. Nothing you can do about it so might as well take advantage of it.

One way that Google ranks pages to Search terms (key words) is by the links that someone clicks on when they do a search.

For example some one puts in the term "Phone Sex" in Google search. Google serves up pages with a variety of links it thinks are relevant to the search term "Phone Sex". At this point Google is watching the user and based on what link that person clicks on, Google will add ranking points to that site. After a while the sites that are most clicked on will move up in the Google page rank.

So from now on you should only visit your site by going through Google Search. What you do is pick a search term that you want to be associated with. As a default use "Phone Sex" (2 words and in quotes). Now if you try this you may have a very hard time finding your site listed. So you may need to add modifiers to your "Phone Sex" search. One way is to add your character name to the search string. For example if your character's name is Terri then enter the search in Google as "Phone Sex" Teri (keep the quotes around Phone Sex but don't include the character name in the quotes) if you still find it difficult to find your site listed replace your character name with your phone number.
One you have found your site listed in Google go ahead and click on it to display your site. Once your site is displayed DO NOT click away or close your browser so quickly. Stay on your site for a few minutes before clicking on any of the top sites to vote. Google actually watches how long a visitor stays on your site. If they leave right away Google sees this as the site was not relevant to the searcher and wont give your site the ranking points. They call this "Bounce Rate"
So after a few minutes click on the vote buttons on your site. You should vote for yourself on Phonesex Central and PhoneSexLeaderBoard at least 1 time per day and more if you can. Even if you think your votes are not counting you should still vote. Phonesexcentral changes their voting algorithm weekly so one week your votes may not count but the next week they will. The most important reason to vote is that if you don't vote at least a few times weekly your listing will stop appearing on these two site. If you have ever Googled "Phone Sex" you will see that both PhoneSexCentral and PhoneSexLeaderboard are always on page 1 or 2 of the search results. So these two sites gets lots of traffic.

If you have other vote buttons on your site you should also click on them a few times a week... more if those sites are ranking on the first 5 pages of Google.

So from now on NEVER go to your site via your URL - Always Always use Google search to find your site and click on it to get to your site. Always stay on your site for a few minutes before voting or leaving your site.

After a few months you should see your site moving up on the Google rankings. If your really into it, add different modifiers in your Google search using words of the type of calls you do and think that callers might use in their search. For example if you do "small dick humiliation" calls use this as a modifier to the search "Phone Sex".

In addition you should always clear out your browsers cookies before doing a Google search or visiting your site. Also use different browsers from time to time. There is Microsoft IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.If you have a smart phone.. use it to go to your site using the same Google Search technique. If you have a laptop and go to places such as Star Bucks where you can get free Wifi - use the Google search technique. The more different devices searching for your site the better.
So you don't think Google is watching and logging ..... think again. Nothing you can do about it so might as well take advantage of it.
Just so you know Google logs all search request and search results and keeps them forever. You can confirm this in Google policy statements.