Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Classfied site addition

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

On Line Classfied ads

In this BLOG entry I want to talk about on line classified advertising. Classified ads are different than listing in adult site directories like Boogle or GoLiveGirls.

If you are not using free on line classified advertising your missing out. You might be under the impression that “No One” reads on line classifieds and so it is a waste of your time. I would agree with you that very few people read a typical on line classified listings. However, the search engines read them all and use them in providing search results. A good properly place ads can bring in calls and also improve your sites “PR” ranking.

For example you post an ad about providing foot fetish phone sex calls. Your web site may reference that you do foot fetish calls but because your ad is listed under a fetish category and it is written in a very descriptive way, litter with foot fetish terms, the search engines rate your ad high on foot fetishes. A potential caller goes to Google and is interested in Foot Fetishes. He types in a few Foot Fetish terms and Google serves up your classified listing in the first page of it search results. The potential caller sees something in your ad that appeals to him and he clicks on the link which is your complete ad with your phone sex number. Hopefully from there he will visit your web site and give you a call.

There are Free classified sites and there are Paid classified sites. Don’t pay for a classified ad until you have tested it on the free classified sites. Some free classified ads sites may require a reciprocal link. If required you should provide a reciprocal link. This builds them traffic as well as building traffic to your site as long as you have a classified ad posted on their site.

There are several “Phone Sex” classified ad web sites and many phone sex sites that have classified sections. To find them Google “Phonesex Classifieds” (be sure to use the “” quotation marks with your key words.) Here are just a few I found that state they are free.

Classified ad are usually text only but many sites now allow you to post small thumbnail size pictures. Pick a picture that is clear and relevant to you your ad. For example if your listing is about Foot Fetishes Phone calls then the picture should be of your feet or shoes or somehow foot fetish related. Be sure to read the sites photo policy so you don’t post a picture or text that is not allowed on the site. Most sites wont warn you, the will just take your listing down and black list you from place future ads.

Most Classified ad sites have categories such as “Teen”, “MILF”, “Fetish” etc. Pick ONE and only one! You don’t want to spam the site. Post in one category today and in a few days or a week post a different ad in another category. It is very important that you don’t post the same ad in different categories. If you do the site will view it as spam and delete and black list you. By placing different ads each week will also insures fresh eyes each week. Most sites will delete the ads after a period of time. Find out what that time frame is and don’t post another ad in that category until your first ad has expired.

Write you ad and choose your photo with the classification / category in mind. Write it so that the reader (your caller) will get intrigued and turned on by it. Be sure to use colorful words / key words. Key words are words that someone might enter into a search engine to find you type of service. If appropriate provide your hair, eye color and bust size. Tell the reader what you like and why they should call you.

There are several sites that are like Craigs List and don’t have true phone sex listings although I have seen post in the “Personals” section on in the “Adult” services (aka escorts) section. Many of these type sites charge $ for placing ads. Before considering paying for an ad in one of these sites, perfect your ad on many of the free sites and see what ad has the most results. Also search these ads for other phone sex listings for ideas. Although the cost of placing an ad might seem small it’s still and expense and a waste of money if it doesn’t produce results. Also if there are not a lot of other phone sex ads listed, then that may be a good indication to skip it. Sites that perform will have a ton of ads.

Track you ad success. When a caller calls ask him where he found you. I know most just say the internet. But ask him about what he saw that got him to call. Tell him that he is not on the clock and that you are interested in what turn him on and got him to call you. Listen carefully to what he tells you. It will give some insight on just what kind of call he wants and what his hot buttons are. Every time a caller gives you ad feed back make a note of it. You will soon see a pattern of what key words work and what one don’t and this goes double with the photo your ad uses. Next time you write an ad look back at your notes and use what your callers have told you. As you already know, what turns on one guy, also turns on 100’s of others.

Business is slow in this economy. To be successful you must seek out and experiment with all sorts of ways to get your web site and phone number and a description of your services out there. Placing on line classified ads is just one that has proven to work. When your phone is not ringing you should be updating your BLOG, posting classified ads, and getting your site listed in on line directories and experimenting with all the ways you can use the web to promote your services.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Kaizen and the number 1 thing to do to improve your business.

For those of you un faimillure with the Japanese concept of Kaizen it refers to the idea that making small but continuous improvements to your business and personal life will result in dramatic success.

You can put this business philosophy to work for you to improve your phone sex business.

Post daily in your blogs.

Read other blogs (Sex related - not necessarily phone sex blogs) and post comments making sure to reference your site or blog.

Search the NEWSGroups and make posts and comment to other post making sure to reference your blog, site and services.

Look for sex related search engines and get your self listed.

Look for cheap places to advertise.

Post in places like Craig’s list, personal sites such as Adult Friend Finder...

Visit chat rooms and make your services known.

If your into erotic writing there are lots of places to post your work... just be sure to reference your site, blog and services.

Keep in touch with existing clients.. consider setting up a twitter account.

There are all kinds of social sites out there for sexually adventurous people. Great places to troll for clients.

These are just a few ideas to get you going. I am sure you can come up with other ideas to get your services out there!

When you are not on the phone you should be out the marketing your services any and every way you can think of.

Remember "KAIZEN" it works... just Google it and see how many successful business are using the Kaizen principles.


The number one thing to do to improve your business is to answer your phone!
The phones are ringing be sure your there to answer it. I am amazed at how many calls are not being answered.


Here is a link to a 5 minute video from Bob Parsons ( with things you can do to make your business successful in this bad economy.


On a personal note: I found this at Bella Online - the voice of women -

Here are some suggestions to improve daily life with Kaizen:
When you feel overwhelmed by stress or criticism, ask yourself: “So what?”
Always express your appreciation to others.
Keep your life in balance at home and at work by knowing who you are and what you want. If your life is chaotic at home, it will reflect itself at work and vice versa. If something shakes you up, think about why and begin to change.
Let go of past mistakes. Sometimes we hold on to them because we feel they define us and make us feel secure in some strange way. Be willing to move forward slowly because past mistakes make you inefficient and waste your talent.